
Action Genre Buy Cheap Unison League Hack Mod Cheat Engine From Proxy



published date: 2015-05-14
Size: 136,1 MB
Includes additional bug fixes
5567 Vote
critique: As most people read that title you were suspecting me to have an iPhone 4 or lower based on why I said “bad phone” but no, in fact it’s the newest model; the iPhone XR which is the problem. Let’s start from the beginning? I have an account and had an iPhone 6s which I played on for a while, many games were on that phone and as you can guess, unison league. I love it so much, the amount of customizations chats and battles you can participate in make the game a masterpiece by design, with collabs from many anime shows you might have watched, and guild battles that may or may not knock your socks off. But as I specified I now have an iPhone XR and it’s was cheaper than the x and the xs so I bought it. Just recently I downloaded unison league and noticed a couple of problems, the first being that the game was not able to go full screen , and had borders, but I didn’t think too much about it, however after linking my game and starting the update, well, it crashed. Yeah I tried uninstalling and it happened again after reinstalling, it’s all fine and I can play with a border on the phone, but fix the crashing of the game on XR, I’m going to keep trying, however if you want a great anime game hit the download button, you won’t regret it! Hope you guys fix this bug soon, and until then, fight on!
Tomatometer: 4,4 of 5 star
genres: Entertainment


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