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User rating - 5,6 of 10
Jacqueline McKenzie
Country - Australia
Runtime - 90minutes
Scores - 3840 vote
Year - 2018 Sort of a cross between the TV series SLIDERS and COUNTERPART, this is a well-acted take on parallel worlds and the unintended consequences of travel between them. I was searching for a Syfy movie that wasn't too 'heady' or full of holes. I came across this on Amazon Prime and the short description caught me. From beginning to end I was wrapped up in it. Not a lot of CGI (none. low budget, and very few sets. However the acting was very good, the directing and pacing was very good, and considering the deep subject, they did a great job of going just deep enough to keep it moving along. The cliff hanger ending was just enough for me to wonder if there'll be a part 2! Well done Aussie flick I'd watch again.


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